A graceful marble stone candle stand and leaf shaped wooden tray come together in this charming gift hamper.
Stone craft is a traditional form of craftsmanship that involves shaping natural stone into various artistic objects. Stone craft involves working with various types of natural stone, including marble, granite, sandstone etc. Stone craft requires a combination of traditional techniques, including carving, cutting, chiseling and sculpting. The tools used range from handheld chisels and hammers to more advanced power tools.
Woodcraft is the art and skill of creating objects from wood. Woodworkers use a variety of tools to shape, cut, join, and finish wood. Common tools include saws, chisels, planes and carving tools. Different types of wood are used in woodcraft, each having unique characteristics. Wood, used here is a dense, durable hardwood that is resistant to scratches, water and rot.
As each handmade piece is unique it may contain slight variations in color, texture and form.